After working around the clock to make manicures not boring, these iconic Holo Taco polishes have been retired to the rack. Take a moment to remember these fan favourites and send them your best wishes while we make room for new legendary shades.
(69 products )
Life In Plastic
July 2023Wave goodbye to the shade that sparked our imagination. A bright pink jelly bursting with scattered holo, this 4th Anniversary Retro polish was a metaphorical window to our childhood dream houses. Now is it's time to go party in retirement. -
Apr 2023The glitter-lover’s best friend. Holo Royalty went nails first into full-glam when creating this glittering purple gem as one of their custom polishes in 2023. Luckily for us, its sparkle hits so hard it’ll last forever in our memories. -
Royal Crush
Apr 2023All good rulers eventually get dethroned. Crafted by Holo Royalty in 2023, purple lovers had their well-earned majestic purple frosted metal moment as this shade became everybody’s Royal Crush. We tearfully bid it farewell and wish it the best in its life-after-royalty. -
Feb 2023After one year on the chrome team, it’s time to let Aquafoil go. Released in the One-Coat Chrome Collection, this turquoise-aqua shiny chrome polish just wasn’t winning over the crowd. Thankfully this shade can forever take victory laps in our hearts. -
Trophy Life
Feb 2023In the unsurprising championship end game twist, this pale yellow-gold polish simply underperformed at the sales podium. It’s time to pack Trophy Life, first introduced in the One-Coat Chrome Collection. We hope this shade enjoys championing retirement. -
Dec 2022This polish is finally putting itself first. After losing a popular vote for release in the After Party Collection and ultimately debuting in the Declassified Tacos [001] Set, this slate blue metallic has taken its shine to retirement.